Thursday, March 15, 2018

Helpful Tips For Spring Cleaning

Spring has arrived and that means it’s time to take on your annual spring cleaning! While many individuals are intimidated by this process, we are here to give you tips on how to most effectively refresh your home just in time for the warm weather.

Give Yourself Time

The purpose of spring cleaning is to give your home a deep clean that can be maintained throughout the rest of the year. While such a huge task may sound daunting, it is easily conquerable if you allow yourself the time to succeed. Many of us are not big fans of cleaning and will attempt to get everything done in a time span that is much too short, such as over the course of a long weekend. However, this is a surefire way to end up laying in a stressed out heap on the floor surrounded by cleaning products. Spring cleaning is called spring cleaning for a reason, and not Easter weekend cleaning! No matter the size of your home, set reasonable goals and give yourself enough time to thoroughly attend to each room.

Be Prepared

Once you have figured out which rooms you are going to clean and when, take inventory of the cleaning supplies you currently have on hand. After ascertaining what you already have, walk through each room of your home individually and take note of what it will take to clean each individual area. What tools and products will you need to thoroughly get the room in ship-shape condition? By keeping track of the different cleaning tasks that need to be accomplished, you will be able to purchase all the materials you need before getting started. Few things are more frustrating than getting into your “cleaning zone” only to be yanked out when you realize you don’t have hardwood floor cleaner!

Make It Easy For Yourself

What is important to clean first? What doesn’t get cleaned very often? Take the list of tasks you completed in the previous tip and then work your way through each item. Everything is easier when broken up into small, easily managed chores. Cleaning the huge living room doesn’t feel nearly as overwhelming when you first pick up the clutter, then clean the walls, then vacuum the floor, and so on and so forth. Before you know it, each of those tiny tasks will have led to a house that is as clean as a whistle.

Take This Time To Start Fresh

Springtime is the season of birth and blossoming. Why not apply these same standards to your home? Take the time during spring cleaning to reassess your home. Look up different styles of interior design that intrigue you, flip through different catalogues of homes, and don’t be afraid to take note of the design choices being made by your friends and family. There is no better time to say out with the old and in with the new. Your dream home is waiting for you.

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